Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP)
Effluent treatment plant is essential to purify the waste water which comes from different types of mfg. Industries like Textile, Electroplating, Dairy, Paints, and Dyes & Pharmaceuticals etc. Different waste water has different characteristics which pollute the water.
Effluent Treatment Plant for Electroplating Industry:
We are experts in manufacturing an advance range of Effluent Treatment Plant for application in electroplating industry. This industry has been primarily categorized as a pollutant industry. Our effluent treatment plant is specially designed to recover many precious metals such as chrome from the effluent.
Kitchen wastewater Treatment Plant :
We also offer wastewater Treatment Plants specially designed for filtering solid waste generated form kitchen. These plants can be easily installed in Restaurants, Caterers Kitchens, Hotels and other canteens.